Friday, October 23, 2015

Fiscal Friday: Can you manifest wealth into your life?

You bet your bottom dollar you can! If you read my previous post on manifesting fitness into my life than you already know how significant my vision board and visual reminders are in my transition to a healthy lifestyle.

I maintain two vision boards, one that was created in the company of my girlfriends. That was an awesome night of discovering what mattered to each one of us via the visions we created for our lives. That board sits directly beside my bed and I often find myself meditating on it for direction and to refocus. The other I board was created on a smaller scale to be displayed in my office and at home on my fridge. There are common themes on both my vision boards including: a fit body, travel and wealth. I have to tell you that since I've made strides to keep my goals in front of me making choices,  whether consciously or unconsciously, to achieve those goals has become a part of my daily life.

I'll give you one example, my husband and I enjoyed a very relaxing anniversary vacation this past summer. Almost immediately after returning we began discussing our plans to visit his childhood home next summer in Copenhagen, Denmark, with a brief stop in Paris, France. While both of these destinations are definitely on my bucket list I'm a beach lover at heart. Not only would I love to live in warmer weather I also craved a vacation in the dead of winter when the Midwest snow is at it's peak.  I love everything about tropical living and I couldn't help but voice my frustration to my husband that the bulk of our funds would go to destinations that lacked the lazy, sun filled days I longed for. In my husbands defense he'd do anything to make me smile but both Copenhagen and France are pricey cities to visit he advised. If I was able to work out it however he was happy to make it happen.

Well being the stubborn, one track minded planner that I am I sat about trying to make our winter vacation a reality and I hit a few roadblocks along the way. Not only were we in the market for a new mattress we had our eyes set on a high end foam mattress that we fell in love with. Having also spent a chunk of our joint savings on costly but necessary home repairs (e.g. a new roof) I had to keep in mind that the goal was to take both these vacations without utilizing credit cards. With the holidays approaching and as my frustration began to peak I walked away from the idea and chose to manifest it instead. I manifested all the way down to the dates, our birthday weekend at the end of January early February. I envisioned waking onto a balcony that overlooked the ocean, the warm breeze engulfing me and my hot husband by my side. My visions were detailed to the point of picking out a bright new cover up and thinking of how I would style my hair. I began manifesting this vacation with no worry as to how the money was going to come to pay for it, I simply planned for it to happen.. That was early September when we had the discussion, on Tuesday of this week a blessing arrived in an unexpected bonus of cash and guess what? Half of that will be used to pay for that tropical birthday vacation at the peak of winter.

Now many of you will choose to believe it's simply coincidence and it very well could be, but the more I focus my attention on what will be it seems to come into fruition in one way or another.  I can name a few other examples that the power of manifesting has brought into my life. For example, despite that fact that our home repairs were mounting this past summer due to the updates needed on our wonderfully aged home we covered them without debt. Also my fitness journey was literally mind over matter and keeping my eyes focused on the body type I envisioned. 

In addition to my vision boards I've also began listening to some wealth and fitness affirmations on YouTube. The more I listen to manifestations such as "money flows freely and abundantly into my life" or "I have multiple streams of income" not only do I no longer let money woes consume me but cash seems to be on hand as needed. My favorite verbal manifestation is "everyone around me prospers" because I want to travel and enjoy life with all those I love and I pray for prosperity for all of you as well! I encourage you to try it, not one or two days but consistently! It takes a bit of practice but it could be worth it in more ways than one. Your mind is a powerful muscle, train it!

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