Monday, January 4, 2016

Ready, Set...Lose!! Natashia's Weight Loss Success Story....

If you've made the commitment to become a new you in the New Year by losing weight than you're in the right place. Following weight loss success stories provided the extra push I needed to get off the couch on more days than I can count. We all reach low points during our weight loss journey from time to time and during those times I'd go to my favorite weight loss success stories to give me a boost, knowing that "if she can do it, I can do it too".

To begin the first week of 2016 let me introduce you to Natashia, a weight loss ball of fire! Natashia managed to lose weight while juggling a full-time and part-time job, mom duties and her daughters active cheer schedule. Lucky for us she took time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions about her weight loss success.

1. Can you tell us a little about your history with fitness, food and body weight/image?
In high school I was...petite. I was on dance team, but that was the extent of my "workouts." I got pregnant my senior year of high school and I put on 50lbs, taking me from between 125-130 to 180lbs. After my daughter was born, I lost all but about 20lbs of the weight that I gained during my pregnancy. That left me at about 155lbs. I thought I was big then. But not big enough to do anything about it. 
2. What made you decide to commit to weight loss? Was there a defining moment?
Same bridesmaid dress years later in a smaller frame!
Since having my daughter, I've never been comfortable with my appearance. It was never because of how anyone treated me though. I don't think anyone ever..."noticed" how big I had gotten. But I did, and I hated it. By the time my daughter was...6 or 7, I was sitting at about 197lbs, and I was asked to be in a wedding. So I decided to get in the gym to try to shed some pounds. I worked out with a trainer twice a week and took hip hop/Zumba cardio classes every now and then. The wedding came and went, I never lost a pound, and I wasn't getting stronger either. I couldn't understand it! If I knew then what I know now, I know I'd have been more successful.

3. How did your eating habits change based on your decision to lose weight? Also can you give us a peek inside a typical day (or week) of healthy eating?
The first two changes I made were to stop drinking soda and stay away from fried food. Harder than it sounds considering I LIVED on Mountain Dew. LOL But it helped! A typical day? habits aren't where I'd LIKE them to be (I SUCK at weekly meal prep), but I just try to make overall healthier choices. The number one choice being portion control. Regardless of what I'm eating, I stop when I'm full. For example, I LOVE pizza! I don't care what is going on, even if I just ate a SUPER healthy and satisfying meal, I'm going to eat at least a piece...or 3. But! I don't do it ALL the time, I don't punish myself when I do, and I stop when I start to feel full. I'm human. I'm gonna succumb to my desires every once in a while. And I almost always desire pizza.                                                                                                                          Wait...I'm getting sidetracked...ok, typical day. I try to eat a light, but filling breakfast at least an hour after I'm up and moving. It's not all egg whites and grapefruit either (I HATE grapefruit). But I do love eggs, so a couple eggs, some smoked turkey sausage (my fave!) and maybe a cutie or two is a typical. Aside from the occasional orange juice and Starbucks (because I get a tall latte everyday OMW to work) I drink water ALL day. I have a 20oz cup that I keep at my desk at work and I try to drink at least 4/day during my shift. I definitely don't limit myself to salad every day, but I actually do like salad. So for lunch, a salad with spinach and/or kale, shrimp, red onion, avocado and a light vinaigrette. (I found a sesame ginger one that I'm obsessed with right now). Dinner is usually something simple like grilled chicken with vidalia onion and bean sprouts then topped with siracha (it's literally my go-to dish!)                                                        Snacks are usually things like yogurt with some fruit and/or granola (or chia seeds, which are AWESOME! They don't taste like anything and if you put them in yogurt or on top of a rice cake with some almond butter, banana and honey (another fave), you don't even notice them. When wet, they start to expand which will make you feel full with a small meal!) Cuties, dark chocolate dusted almonds are also good between each meal. I try to eat every 2-3 hrs with my last meal no less than an hour before I lay down for bed. And my body is trained to that now, by two to two and a half hours between meals my stomach is rumbling!

4. Did exercise play in role in your weight loss? If so, what types of exercise and how?

You've heard fitness is like 80% diet and 20% exercise (or something along those lines)? Well, it's true and I'm proof! I mentioned before that my first attempt at getting fit was working out with a trainer 2x's/week with some cardio here and there, but no results. Well, I was working out, but I was still a fast food junkie - burgers and fries, ANYTHING fried and eating until it was gone whether I was full or not. Oh, and salt! Lots of salt and soda. This time around, I was better educated (thanks Instagram). So, no soda, no fried foods and I never put salt on my food. I started eating more green veggies and I loves me some smoothies (I follow quite a few "clean eating" pages on IG). To answer the question, yes. Yes, exercise played a role in my weight loss, but it's more about my diet; the food I put in my body. Once I set my mind on eating healthy, I started my workouts. First, I was AAALLL about cardio. I love my hip hop classes! I was taking various cardio classes 5x's/week. Each class was an hour long. And the weight started coming off. But! For me, it was TOO fast. I don't want to be "skinny." Then I remembered that strength training is just as important. Muscle burns fat and all that good stuff, so I slowed way down on the cardio, and started lifting. I lift at least twice a week (Leg day is my favorite!!). And it's helped keep the weight off. I've found a new respect and love for lifting. And I'm stronger. SO much stronger! And believe it or not, it's actually helped my endurance during cardio as well. awesome!!

 5. How do you stay motivated?
Not to be cliché, but my daughter is one of the reasons I started this fitness journey (all three times). Yes, I do it for me, but I want to be able to keep up with my baby, and one day, my grandbabies! Plus, I want her to stay healthy. Start em young! Lead by example! And it's working. My baby encourages me and I can't wait for her to be able to start coming to the gym to work out with me! It's awesome. Another big motivator...RESULTS!!! My results have motivated me beyond measure! It is the healthiest addiction there is! Once I started realizing my strength, and seeing my body slowly start changing and becoming the body I've always wanted, the more I wanted to keep going! I'm more confident, I'm comfortable in my clothes. Even more so, I can wear things I've always WANTED to wear. And the muscles!! I Have muscles!!  😁😁 In short, aside from my daughter and her future, what keeps me me.

6. Are there any apps or tools that you utilized during your weight loss journey?

Aside from Instagram, not really. I've learned so much from IG it's crazy. At least 75-80% of the people I follow are fitness pages and people who share the same goals and struggles as I do/have. I've learned that's also a good way to stay motivated. Hard to fall off the wagon when you eliminate the temptation. And it's not all "hard bodies." Exercise pages, food pages, "challenge" pages (a couple I've actually tried and loved!). It's very educational if you use it right.

7. If you could only give our readers your top three tips for weight loss, what would they be?

Drink LOTS of water! You'll have more energy, and if you drink enough, it won't take as much to make you feel full during meals.

Eat, but eat clean!! I know it's hard, (especially with all the pizza in the world, LOL) but your body will thank you. Eat for fuel, not for pleasure or fun. There is so much good, clean food out there! You just have to look past the fast food.

Lastly, trust the process! You didn't put the weight ON overnight, don't expect it to fall off overnight. Just keep going even when you feel like giving up. If you fall three times, get up four times. The results will come if you put the work in. Just. Keep. Going.

Well folks the final three words in Tashia's interview say it all for me "just keep going" there will be good days and bad days. Trust the process and stay tuned throughout the weeks to come for more weight loss motivation and inspiration. Above all resolve to be good to yourselves, you deserve it!

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