Friday, October 16, 2015

Let's get physical! Fiscally fit that is....

Let’s get fiscal B&B darlings! Not only do I want you physically fit one of my greatest wishes is for your body to be lean and your bank account green – filled with Benjamin’s that is! I’ve spent the majority of my adult life as a single mom. I wasn’t completely on my own struggling day in and day out; my ex played a major role in providing for our children financially and otherwise. Despite his support there were some very lean times and when I reflect on those times I’m so thankful that despite how busted and disgusted I was I stayed current on my bills and obligations because I always made saving money a mandatory action.
I have a dear friend that jokes of my tendency to keep my savings in “Newark”. For those of you that don't know me on a personal level Newark is a neighboring city about thirty miles outside the capital in which we reside.  The reason for her jest is I kept my savings in a credit union account that was a good drive away away and I opted to not receive an ATM card for my savings account.  My rational behind intentionally putting my hard earned cash out of reach and not easily accessible is I would only access those funds if I really needed the cash. By creating a direct deposit from my paycheck into that account, the money was gone before I ever had the opportunity to miss it. Those funds would not be utilized because I wanted to hang with the girls or I was aching for a new pair of shoes. That money, unbeknownst to me when I opened that account over twenty years ago, was for me what we now call an emergency fund.

I cannot begin to count the times that my little emergency fund came through when I needed a bail out. From high dollar car repairs to needing a new washing machine my savings account kept me independent. I can’t begin to tell you how proud I was to hear my grandfather say “you’re my only baby who doesn’t borrow money”. Being the father of six children and tons of grand kids that was some kind of compliment and I was glad to receive it. When I opened that account I was investing what I could at the time which was about $25 a check, since then that amount has more than quadrupled and that initial savings account has been changed from an “emergency” to a “just in case” account. I still utilize this for unplanned expenses from unexpected birthdays to unforeseen events and because I’ve learned to be disciplined I now have an ATM card as well.
I have some big dreams that include traveling the world and for this reason I’ve since opened another online account. About six years ago they were not only offering some pretty competitive rates on savings but I also wanted to up the ante on my saving goals. My new savings account became my emergency account and now that its close to reaching my target goal to cover a few months of living expenses I’ve opened another online account. It was easy to do online with the same company and that my darlings is my dream big account. I’ve covered the bases in regards to security so now I want a “throw caution to the winds” account. I opened an account that will allow me to leave my corporate job and travel the world if I choose. I’d love nothing more than to live day by day seeing this wonderful world of ours by boat, plane or train with my husband. Now it’s not going to happen overnight but as long as there is air in this capable body of mine, it will happen!
I’ve chosen to only focus on saving in this particular post but Lord only knows I’ve had to overcome debt, figure out 401(k) and become dead broke before I determined I was going to be in control of my life. Small actions geared towards saving money have taught me a lot, and one lesson that has repeated itself in my hair and fitness journey both is consistency. By making my savings contribution automatic I didn’t even miss that money, by the time my paycheck was deposited that money was already deducted and sitting pretty in backup accounts. Also, I learned that small actions add up big, I could only afford to deposit small amounts initially but left untouched those meager investments saved me from borrowing from my family or playing the pay day loan game. Finally, although I’m not a single woman any longer I must say there is something about independence that no one can take from you. I’ve gone through tough times, for example when I chose to take on more mortgage in order to provide my children with a home in a better school system that move really affected my lifestyle but I overcame that period and many more and that feeling is very rewarding. Now that my adult children are out of the house money has become the flexibility to choose my next course of action. Let me tell you spending money on what really matters is what it’s all about for me. I’ve chosen to spend my hard earned cash on experiences like the breathtaking bike ride down South Beach board walk at sunrise with my husband. We rode all the way to South Point Park, at the end of Ocean Boulevard and we were greeted by brilliant blue water and a very admiring view as the ocean seamed to collide with downtown Miami.  Sending my precious daughter to Hawaii as a twenty-first birthday gift that allows her to embrace the wonder of a new culture and share my love for travel is a special treat. I choose to spend on experiences like walking the quant, cobblestone streets of Europe; stopping in an adorable cafĂ© and eating the most exquisite bread and cheese plate that you’ve ever tasted. Now that’s good living in my book and not only have prayed for it, I’m willing to pay for it! Until next time beauties and honeys, stay fiscally and physically fit!


  1. Great tips! I am at work like this is my girlfriend. You motivate me chick.
